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Seasonal Assistance Image

Seasonal Assistance

Throughout the year, The Salvation Army works to help families meet their needs and experience the joys of the season.

Last year, we helped more than 600,000 people throughout the northwest.

Providing resources to families year-round

"It's been years since my kids have had new shoes for the school year. They were so proud to wear them on the first day."

2024 Adopt-A-Family Sponsors Needed

The program has grown each year with more sponsors committing to “adopting” families, increasing the gifts and essentials provided.  The Adopt-A-Family program supports families experiencing some sort of crisis, by connecting them to the generosity and kindness of our sponsors who provide food, toiletries, clothing, and toys, bringing a hopeful Christmas to a family. All of our families have been referred to us from a partnering agency in Clark County. Click here to sign up to support a family in need this Christmas or contact us at 360-448-2880.

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Angel Tree Sponsors

Every year, families come to us because they are unable to provide gifts for their children at Christmas. Many times, it is caused by unemployment, medical reasons, or other hardships.  By sponsoring an Angel Tree, you will be part of making a child's Christmas that much MERRIER and BRIGHTER!  Please contact 360-448-2880 to sign up your business today to receive Angel Tree tags of actual boys and girls ages 0-12 in Clark County.

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Thanksgiving Assistance 

The holidays provide a sense of tradition to many and that is especially true at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Each year during the Thanksgiving season, The Salvation Army serves thousands of families in need, as well as the hungry and disadvantaged in our community. The details vary by location, but Thanksgiving programs may provide a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, takeout lunch bag, small gifts and toys for your children, and more. In some areas, prepared Thanksgiving meals and baskets are delivered by volunteers to families in need, including seniors or shut-ins, who can't pick up the food themselves.

For more information about what assistance is available and service locations, contact The Salvation Army in Vancouver at 360-892-9050

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Christmas Assistance- our online applications are now closed.

The "miracle" of Christmas is repeated over and over again through the joy of caring and sharing. Among the many programs provided by The Salvation Army, those that particularly bring joy at Christmas are the Adopt-a-Family/Senior, Angel Tree and Holiday Food Baskets. Together, these programs help to ensure that hundreds of lower-income families in our community have an opportunity to receive gifts, have gifts for their children and funds to purchase food for a Christmas dinner celebration.

To sign up for our Angel Tree Program, please contact your child's local school or partnering agency you are affiliated with to inquire about an invitation code that you can use to sign up at

Our partnering agencies include: 

  • ESD112
  • OHSU
  • PCAP
  • Bridgeview
  • Vancouver Housing Authority
  • EOCF
  • Catholic Community Charities
  • Department of Youth and Families of Washington
  • Kinship Care of DCYF of Washington
  • Clark County School Districts

For more information about what assistance is available and service locations, contact The Salvation Army in Vancouver at 360-892-9050

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Back-To-School Supplies

Starting a new school year may be a thrill of many kids, however it can also cause anxiety and stress for families when they are faced with the expense of buying new clothes, shoes, and other supplies. Many families struggle with paying for the items, clothing, and school supplies that their children need, and many kids unfortunately go without basic back-to-school necessities. This is where The Salvation Army can help. The Salvation Army helps thousands of kids across the country with new clothes, supplies, and confidence for the new school year. Through local and national partnerships, we offer many resources to qualified families.

For more information about what back-to-school resources are available in your area, contact The Salvation Army in Vancouver at 360-892-9050

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Summer Camp Opportunities

Every summer, The Salvation Army in Vancouver helps kids of all ages go to camp.

Camp Arnold at Timberlake, owned and operated by The Salvation Army, is located on 650 pristine acres, with a spectacular view of Mount Rainier, secluded meadows, and a breath taking wetland beaver habitat. The camp offers 3 miles of nature trails, canoeing on our peaceful lake, a challenge course, climbing wall, beautiful Nature Center, outdoor playing fields, modern cabins, indoor gymnasium, outdoor amphitheater, dining hall, large outdoor swimming pool, chapel, outdoor and indoor activity areas. Summer Camp experiences are offered based upon the age of the camper.

Read more about Camp Arnold at Timberlake HERE

For more information about sending your child to camp, contact The Salvation Army in Vancouver at 360-892-9050

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Other Ways We Meet Needs